Lead Magnets Built by VA's

Oct 12, 2019

What is a “Lead Magnet” Anyway?

A lead magnet is just a piece of content that you give to your audience for FREE in exchange for their name and email.

Gone are the days that we can simply just put a form on our websites that say “Sign-up for my Newsletter”. No one really wants a newsletter - actually no one really wants another email.

We’re bombarded with messages everywhere we go. We need to do better. We need to give first.

Welcome to The Give First Economy

The give first economy is all about establishing trust and we can do this by giving first.

Rather than just asking for someone’s email with nothing to exchange in return, we need to be offering something of value. Something that is so amazing that our target demographic is floored by the gift they received from you.

I’m Excited, But Where Do I Start?

First, we need to know your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). Who is your one perfect customer?

Seriously, what’s their name? (Don’t worry this is a fictitious exercise). Oftentimes, your ICA could be a previous version of yourself.

To get your creative juices flowing, here is a rough example of my Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA)...

A solopreneur, content creator, and someone that went into business for themselves so that they could have financial freedom and do the things they want to do when they want to do it. This person, Tracy, has worked corporate for the first 7 years of her career. She realized that she was spending too many late hours working for someone else and decided to make the leap to go into business for herself.
She found that she’s quite good at the entrepreneurial game with having attracted her tribe and an overwhelming amount of clients in just 2 years of being a business owner. She realizes that she needs help. She needs employees, but isn’t at the stage where she’s ready to bring on a full-time employee. She heard about Virtual Assistants but isn’t sure how to actually hire, train and manage a VA effectively. Tracy knows something needs to change because she’s now working more than ever and wants to go back to her why… She went into business for herself so that she can work when she wants which allows her to play when she wants. The late nights need to stop. She’s ready to take the next step in her business by bringing on some help…

Sure, you can get more detailed but if you have a broad understanding of who your marketing to then you’ll always know what content to create.

When creating content get into the mind of your ICA. What is their biggest struggle? What’s keeping them up at night and frustrated? How can you help them overcome this hurdle so that they can get to the next level?

To see a Lead Magnet in action, click this link.

Okay, So How Do I Build It?

Well, I’m the VA Guy so I’m going to show you how to build it by working with a VA!

First, use this completely FREE template on how to build a Lead Magnet (make a copy of this google doc so you can edit it).

Seriously, all you need to do is fill in the blanks!

Simply, just make a copy of this google doc and type in your content that will resonate with your tribe.

Next, hire a Graphic Designer (and/or Web Developer) on FreeeUp and ask your VA to make your Lead Magnet pretty and build it on the back-end of your site (click here to learn how to Hire Your 1st VA).


… and just like that, you’re off to the races!

Don’t over-complicate things… remember that progress is more important than perfection and that done is better than perfect.

Pull out your calendar and make time within the next 24 hours to begin this process. Don’t get stressed over the details, the key is building this into your routine, subconscious mind and being consistent towards your goal of working with VA’s so that you can have more free time.

What’s Next?

Want to finally get your time back and learn how I’ve cracked the code on how to work with Virtual Assistants?

Are you ready to let go of the time-sucking tasks so that your business can grow? 

Do you want to work less and make more?

If you answer, “YES” to any of these questions - then click here to learn more about my upcoming workshop “Clone Yourself:  How to Hire Your 1st VIRTUAL ASSISTANT to Accomplish More!”

Remember, CLICK HERE to see my “Lead Magnet” in action!

Need Help?

Check out my "office hours" to schedule a FREE complimentary 15-minute call.


To Building with VA’s,
Sam AKA SwagSam


50% Complete

Two Step

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