Podcast Episode 45: Morning Routines

Jan 29, 2020

“I’m a creature of habit. I love morning routines!” Trust me, a morning routine is going to set you up for success. It’s very important to get your day started off intentionally. Doing this is going to help your productivity!

I start my day off with Yoga, followed by clearing my VA inbox. How about you, how do you start your day?

To hear the full podcast, head on over to Spotify, iTunes or any other pod player to listen to the full podcast!




ASK SwagSam ANYTHING: Email is [email protected] and you can book a FREE Strategy call with me by going to Calendly.com/CLONE.



To Gettin Goin,
Sam AKA SwagSam


PS: WORKSHOP COURSE - Learn how to work less, make more and play more by building your virtual assistant team! 

Are you ready for my full blown process? Are you ready to take the leap and actually get the transformation you know you need? If you’re ready to learn my step-by-step process on how to scale your business by working with VA’s,  then you’ll want to join the online course!
Forget about the overwhelm, in this workshop I’ll be guiding you every step of the way to ensure you have success and can begin to breathe again. Learn more by checking it out on the link here.


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